Streets that normally bustled with shoppers and tourists were empty. Retrieved 15 September Retrieved 17 November She is the daughter of Said Saggar Ahmed, the well-known terror suspect in Kenya. Retrieved 4 September Retrieved 20 October aboud rogo mawaidha

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Aboud rogo

Retrieved 1 September The report said that Rogo had engaged in "acts that directly or indirectly threaten the peace, security or stability of Somalia", specifically in reference to recruiting and fundraising for al-Shabaab. On 25 JulyRogo was placed on a UN Security Council sanctions list for providing "financial, material, logistical or technical support to al-Shabaab".

Chaos As Rogo Is Murdered". Retrieved 17 November Rogo was also named in a report released by the United States as being the chief representative of al-Shabaab in Kenya, and that he had recruited young men to go fight in Somalia with Islamists.

aboud rogo mawaidha

Rogo took up residence in Mombasa in Retrieved 28 August On the day of Rogo's death, his supporters consisting of over 2, Kenyans protested his assassination in Mombasa, especially in the Majengo area, where Rogo's Musa Mosque is situated. Sanctions against him mawaida the United Nations; death triggered massive protests and violence in Kenya.

'Al-Shabab supporter' Aboud Rogo Mohammed killed in Kenya - BBC News

The police said that Rogo was part of a terror cell that was plotting to bomb Kenyan mawaidhha over Christmas. The Voice of Russia. Rogo was born in Siyu Island of Lamu county in around In the immediate aftermath of the assassination, Rogo's supporters seized his body from the security forces.

The next day clashes continued in Mombasa.

aboud rogo mawaidha

The inquiry is yet to abkud concluded. The mobs also taunted police who arrested protestors and marauded around the city centre, while shopkeepers reported looting in certain areas. Retrieved 20 January He issued many advisory opinion Fatwah during this period, indicating that working for the Kenyan government was apparently haram forbidden by Islamic law.

Aboud rogo : Darul-nadwa : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Retrieved 31 August Some of the mob blamed the Kenyan authorities for the killing of Rogo. Retrieved 6 January After the killing of Rogo, Mombasa witnessed violent demonstrations, claiming four people's lives and wounding many others as well mawaisha damaging three churches. On 27 AugustRogo was shot dead by unnamed assailants in Mombasa [11] as he was driving his wife to the hospital.

Archived from the original on 18 December Two prison officers were killed in the ensuing riots.

Aboud Rogo

Retrieved 2 September Denies Role in Rogo Death". The police said that at least 16 officers were wounded in the attack, which took place in Kisaunianother predominantly Abojd area. Aboud Rogo Fact Box".

She was a member of a prominent family. Archived from the original on 1 September He was shot dead in Kenyaand his death triggered protests and violence by hundreds of protestors. In addition, two more churches were set on fire in Kisauni and roads were barricaded with burning tires. avoud

Official Journal of the EU. Retrieved 12 March


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